Blood on the heather.
Much blood would stain the heather in the Jacobite uprisings. but in each of the battles for the freedom of Scotland all would stand and many would fall for ‘Scotland the Brave’.
Robert Robertson stood at the far end of the majestic hall as James and Melanie entered.
Estiven esperando a túa chegada"
{“I have been awaiting your arrival”} he said greeting them.
The emblem of the last remaining branch of the Scottish Royal Family displayed on the far wall. The proud family crest set high on the wall “Virtutis Gloria Merces” {“Glory is the reward of valor”}
Robert seeing James looking at the crest offered his memories.
A crista eo home salvaxe das cadeas foron concedidos á nosa familia por James II ao seu regreso de Francia."
"O meu antepasado Alexander Robertson, de Strowan, distinguiuse como poeta e como partidario dos Stuart nas Rebelións Xacobeitas de 1690, 1715 e 1745. Gu, tres cabezas de lobos borrados representáronse na cresta dos brazos coa man dereita. sostendo a coroa imperial en alto. O home salvaxe en cadeas baixo o escudo das armas foi adoptado para conmemorar a captura dos asasinatos do rei Santiago I na noite do 21 de febreiro de 1437.
A raíña Joan foi ferida esa noite pero conseguiu escapar dalgunha forma con axuda a Edimburgo. Non se rexistra como e quen lle prestou axuda para chegar ".
{“The crest and the wild man in chains was bestowed on our family by James II on his return from France.”
“My ancestor Alexander Robertson, of Strowan, distinguished himself as a poet and as the partisan of the Stuarts in the Jacobite Rebellions of 1690, 1715, and 1745. Gu, three wolves’ heads erased depicted on the crest of arms with the right hand holding the imperial crown aloft. The wild man in chains lying under the escutcheon of the arms was adopted in commemoration of the capture of the murders of King James I on the night of February 21st 1437. }
Queen Joan was wounded on that night but managed somehow to escape with help to Edinburgh. It is not recorded how and who gave her assistance in getting there.”}
James squeezed Melanie’s hand and whispered to her “We know Mel, don’t we?”
“Don’t remind me James, I can’t remember ever being so cold or scared!”
"Esta noite, temos unha reunión de clans aquí no Castelo. Debe estar e unirse a nós para a festa. " smiled Robert.
{“Tonight, we have a gathering of the Clans here at the Castle. You must stay and join us for the feast.”} smiled Robert.
‘Scotland the Brave’ a proud tradition that has stood the tests of time and history to this very day.
Follow Melanie’s Blog - CHANGE - and add your voice to the Power of One
To be continued in Melanie’s Biography with love for her sister by her side.
Transported into history
1 - It was a night to remember forever!
2 - Moving within elite circles.
3 - Melanie was transported to ‘Un jour à Versailles’
4 - James will never believe this!
5 - James called back, but Melanie was away in France!
6 - “Happy anniversary my love - See you tonight”
7 - They woke in each other’s arms
8 - “Would you marry me 230 years ago James?”
9 - The French Court setting designs.
10 - Immersed in history
11 - Planning a trip for one day in May
12 - Auction Day to come somewhere in time May 7th 1819
13 - A breakfast fit for a King
14 - Hello Lord Wemsys - May 7th 1819
15 - Now we can return to see Marie.
16 - James and Melanie will marry in Versailles tomorrow.
17 - The wedding June 7th 1789.
18 - The letter was stained by Melanie’s tears.
19 - To visit Versailles once more
20- The flight to Geneva with Merie by her side
21 - The saving of Marie’s Jewels
22 - I fear to be the Last Queen of France. Write our story!
23 - Holding you forever my sister. Time still exists!
24 - A lock of hair
25 - Slavery – the absence of Choice to Choose.
26 - James will you still love me in another 200 years?
27 - Our bond will never break, even in a thousand years.
28 - A hole in the heart of history. A story of slavery.
29 - Our love will go on wherever you are.
30 - ‘The Slavery of Marie Antoinette’
32 - The Power of the pendant. "Nous avons aimé dans le temps."
33 - “Viva La Vida Melanie.” {“Live life Melanie.”}
34 - Time alone gives Marie love.
35 - Marie-Thérèse did live.
36 - Time heals.
37 - Escape from Tuileries Palace.
38 - The endless dawns of time.
40 - Where is it? Where is it!!?
41 - Tears from the Temple Tower
42 - Where are you now?
43 - Marie-Thérèse’s letter to her mother.
45 - The Postman never arrived.
46 - Sometimes not knowing is the answer.
49 - Change the world one wish at a time
50 - Be the Change you wish to see.
51 - Let me share my vision with you Marie.
53 - Snow on the ground
54 - Come with me Marie
56 - Over the sea to Skye
57 - Another night to remember
59 - Escape from Perth to Edinburgh; the Queen is safe.
60 - A horse a horse; my kingdom for a horse!
61 - Setting out to Edinburgh Castle
62 - Dreaming
66 - The Battle of Killiecrankie
68 - Ask the mountains
69 - Echoes of the past
70 - Where are you Marie?
71 - James heard the call.
Ching Dynasty Collection
We are the custodians of some of the most exquisite examples of hand carved artistry from 200 years ago,. These were commissioned by King George III of Great Britain & Ireland for Queen Charlotte in 1780.