Happy anniversary my love; see you tonight.

Melanie woke at 2pm to the sound of sirens on the Manhattan streets below.

Looking at the time on her cell phone, she saw there was a message from James

“Happy anniversary my love; see you tonight.

The first day of the rest of our lives.

Love You!”

Smiling she knew it was the first; but that it had also started 200 years ago.

Tonight, he will come with her to meet Marie Antoinette.

James arrived home at 6pm with a bottle of the finest French Champaign; Dom Perignon and a bunch of 8 red roses {a rose for every year of their marriage}.

Telling James of her meeting with Marie, Melanie fell asleep in his arms, her head resting on his chest.


They were transported!

As Melanie stood with James by her side looking at Marie, the Queens appearance changed: - she became as if their presence reinvigorated her.

“Bonjour Melanie, d'un pays lointain, tu m'as manqué!

Qui est ce jeune homme que vous avez amené à la Cour?”

{“Hello Melanie, from a land far away, I have missed you!

Who is this young man you have brought to the Court?”} enquired the Queen.

“Votre Majesté, puis-je vous présenter un de mes amis? Il s'appelle James.”

{“Your Majesty, may I introduce a friend of mine? His name is James.”} replied Melanie

“C'est un très bel homme, Mélanie! Viens t'asseoir près de moi.

Je viens de recevoir une lettre de mon amie la reine d'Angleterre. Tu peux m'aider à comprendre ce qu'elle a écrit.”

{“He is a very handsome man Melanie! Come and sit by me.”

I have just received a letter from my friend the Queen of England. You can help me understand what she has written.”}

Melanie looked at James who seemed utterly speechless. If his jaw dropped any further Melanie thought, it would hit the floor!

They sat as old friends in the candlelight of the Queens chambers to read the letter from Queen Charlotte.

The letter read;

Marie my dear friend.

I am very concerned at the developments my advisors tell me about in France. The uprising of this cad Napoleon and the unrest of the population lead me to have concerns for you, Louis and the children.

I would like you to know that George and I have made provisions at the Palace for you and the King and of course we have people here who can also help with your young children.

I enjoy receiving your correspondence and often read them in the evenings to George.

Let me know that you are safe and remember we will always be of kindred hearts.

Your friend Queen Charlotte

The Queen of Great Britain and Ireland

July 20th 1788

Melanie reading the letter to Marie in French seemed to awaken James from his apparent sleepwalk.

{Marie ma chère amie.

Je suis très préoccupé par les développements dont mes conseillers me parlent en France. Le soulèvement de ce cad Napoléon et les troubles de la population m'amènent à avoir des préoccupations pour vous, Louis et les enfants.

Je voudrais que vous sachiez que George et moi-même avons pris des dispositions au Palais pour vous et le roi. Bien entendu, nous avons des gens ici qui peuvent également vous aider avec vos jeunes enfants.

J'aime recevoir votre correspondance et je la lis souvent le soir à George.

Faites-moi savoir que vous êtes en sécurité et rappelez-vous que nous serons toujours de cœur.

Votre amie la reine Charlotte

La reine de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande

20 juillet 1788}

Although. Melanie laughed with him later; his appearance was that of a stunned mullet!

“Merci Mélanie mon amie. Vous ne devez pas le quitter si longtemps avant de revenir. S'il te plaît, amène ton ami James avec toi, je sais que Louis aimerait le rencontrer.”

{“Thank you Melanie my friend. You must not leave it so long before you visit again. Please bring your friend James with you, I know that Louis would like to meet him.”}

“J'y reviendrai très bientôt. Merci, Votre Majesté,”

{“I will, we will visit again very soon. Thank you, your Majesty,”}

“Mélanie! S'il vous plaît appelez-moi Marie; nous sommes les amis d'une amitié qui durera pour toujours! "

{“Melanie! Please call me Marie; we are friends of a friendship that will endure forever!”} implored Marie.

#Queen #MarieAntoinette

Transported into history

1 - It was a night to remember forever!

2 - Moving within elite circles.

3 - Melanie was transported to ‘Un jour à Versailles’

4 - James will never believe this!

5 - James called back, but Melanie was away in France!

What can Melanie tell Marie and what must she keep from her about her inevitable future?

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